If you want to order this dress in custom size and custom color, you can choose a random size and color when you place your order, then leave a message with your personalized size and color, so we can pick the color and measurements you want when we receive your order. Please send us the measurement as follow:
1. Bust =___cm
2. Waist =___cm
3. Hips =___cm
4. Waist to the floor with shoes on =___cm
5. Shoulder to Floor with shoes on=___cm
6. Height =___ cm (from the top of the head to the floor with shoes on )
Dress color =___ (Any color chosen from our color chart or picture color)
1. Bust =___cm
2. Waist =___cm
3. Hips =___cm
4. Waist to the floor with shoes on =___cm
5. Shoulder to Floor with shoes on=___cm
6. Height =___ cm (from the top of the head to the floor with shoes on )
Dress color =___ (Any color chosen from our color chart or picture color)
Measurement & Size Chart